Tuesday, February 22, 2011


かんたん:                            Easy
日曜(にちよう)いち:                            Sunday (street) market
品物(しなもの)                                    Products
おか:                                    Hill
高知じょう:                        Kochi Castle
かつらはまかいがん:        かつらはまBeach, A Beach in Kochi
すいぞくかん:                    Aquarium
とさけん:                            A breed of fighting dogs
とうけん:                            Fighting dog show
いし:                                    Rocks
さかもとりょうま:            A famous Kochi (Tosa) reformer of the late Edo period
ぞう:                                    Statue

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

Communication is a two-way process.  Something has to be said (transmitted) and received.  Communication is an exchange of ideas, thoughts, or information.  Communication is not limited to speech.  Communication can happen through art, music, text, body language, and signs or any combination of these means.  Means and interpretations of communication can vary between cultures.  My group’s podcast is going to highlight this fact.  Understanding culture and the role it plays in communication is essential for learning how to communicate in another culture or language.  Simply memorizing words and grammar is not going to give a language learner the tools necessary to effectively communicate in another culture.  Instead, cultural studies should be an essential part of language learning.  Our podcast will help highlight the connection of culture and communication.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011




どうしてニューヨークは毎日寒(まいにちさむ)いですか!? (わたし)はコロラドから()ました。コロラドの(ふゆ)(さむ)()もあるけど(あたた)かい日も()ありますよ